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Great Marketing

Being a Business Development Executive, it is our role to boost sales. I can say this role as compared to human anatomy is the Skeletal System which is the "framework of the body". It is the framework that supports the organization/company to keep on going.

I am new on this field and this is way too far from my previous work experiences and honestly I thought of quitting several times already. Six months had passed and I am proud to say that I am standing still. I have learned the do's and don'ts of Sales & Marketing. I am very much thankful with all the support and assistance that the management is providing. Now, I would like to share some tips on how to do great marketing which is really working for me.


1. Know who is your prospect. Target the decision maker.

You should know who is the best person to talk to which regards the product/services you market.

2. Look smart & professional.

Dress up properly. You are representing the company so it will be very important for your clients to have a good impression on you.

3. Always wear that best smile. Be friendly.

Smiling is such a key ingredient for establishing a relationship. Smiling when you first meet someone indicates that you are genuinely happy to see them and that you are a positive person.

4. Be prepared. Have resistance to things that might come up.

You have to keep yourself ready all the time. Things will not always be the way we wanted to. Sometimes you will be thrown out but you still need to manage. You have to stay firm and focused. Just shake it off and move one to the next one.

5. Keep on following up.

Once you had the opportunity of getting the right person, never let go. Constantly follow up. There is no such rule in following up. You can do it in the anytime and you do it as frequent as you want.

It is a very nice opportunity to meet a lot of people on a daily basis when you go out for marketing. It is making your own database with an actual encounter with the person and it is a very good foundation to start business.