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Cloud computing is revolutionizing all aspects of IT, including hardware, operating systems and applications. Faced with a rapidly changing business e, Thoroughly assess the architectures, components, operation and tools of cloud computing Leverage cloud vendors, including, Microsoft A

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Adopting the Cloud, Key drivers of cloud computing solutions Evaluating barriers to cloud computing
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Exploiting Software as a Service (SaaS), Characterizing SaaS Comparing service scenarios Inspecting SaaS technologies
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Delivering Platform as a Service (PaaS), Exploring the technical foundation for PaaS Building services with solution stacks Managing cloud storage Employing support services
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Introduction to Cloud Computing, Defining cloud computing Delivering services from the cloud
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Deploying Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Enabling technologies Accessing IaaS
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Building a Business Case, Calculating the financial implications Preserving business continuity
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Migrating to the Cloud, Technical considerations Planning the migration
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Cloud Computing, Abu Dhabi, UAE,

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Cloud Computing, Beirut, Lebanon,

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Cloud Computing, Tehran, Iran,

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Cloud Computing, Muscat, Oman,

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Cloud Computing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,

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Cloud Computing, Cairo, Egypt,

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Cloud Computing, Dubai, UAE,

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Cloud Computing, Chennai, India,

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Cloud Computing, Baghdad, Iraq,

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Cloud Computing, Manama, Bahrain,

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Cloud Computing, Tehran, Iran,

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Cloud Computing, Jeddah, Suadi Arabia,

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